Monday, June 25, 2007

Trapped in the early '90's no more!

For the past 6 months, I have been living without an internet connection in my apartment. I made this ascetic choice for three reasons:
1. Isn't the interconnectedness of the world making us all farther apart? Why shouldn't I pick up the phone and call my friends, or, better yet, actually see them in person and "interface" when I can see their faces?
2. I'm lazy: I don't want to wait around for the internet installation person to come. That is four hours of my life I will never get back.
3. I'm che...frugal. I want to save money and wireless internet gets so expensive...I have to pay to rent a router and I don't even know what a router is. Plus, I have to deal with the stupidity that is an internet bill, and then call up the company and ask them what every billed item actually is, the whole process raising my blood pressure.

But, miraculously, after months of hopeful searching for the few square inches of air space where there might be a wireless signal without a WEP password that I could tap into, I stumbled upon one-purely by chance- this afternoon! The space is located in the southwest corner of my living room, on the least accessible side of my dining room table...but who cares? I can finally check my email without getting dressed in the morning, running to Caribou, and buying an overpriced latte. No more will I haul my laptop down four flights of stairs and play the game of chance that is trying to steal internet from a nearby cafe (who has pretty unreliable service, I can tell you). Never again, when pursestrings are tight, will I drive to Lunds late at night and use their wi-fi to check my bank balance in the car.

So, friends, feel free to email me all you want. Send me instant messages, too. This girl, and her laptop, are here to stay.


Unknown said...

Here to stay...until your neighbor puts on a password!

chris said...

i bought a router, which actually ends up being cheaper than renting one, it was 35 bucks. but yes, comcast is the devil, so i understand. just wait until mpls goes wi-fi next year and buy it through the city, if that actually happens.